Barbara and her Dogs
My mother always loved her dogs and would say that “a house is not a home without a dog”.
She loved all varieties of dogs and in the last thirty years of her life a white Pekingese became her firm favourite and indeed almost her trademark. And it was rare to see a photograph of her without a Twi-twi or Mwi-Mwi duly in attendance.
I delight in her Christmas card of 1928, illustrated here, surrounded by a virtual sea of doggies, I can count eleven! She loved them all and they loved her with a passion and she knew all their foibles, barks and especially when they were hungry and wanting treats.
My mother often said that “you don’t choose your dog, your dog chooses you”. One of her Pekinese along with others came to Camfield Place on approval once and when it was time to go he sat on the doorstep and refused to move. He had chosen her and my mother said at once, “that’s definitely the one for me”.
And he was a wonderful companion going everywhere with her. Loving, good tempered, well behaved and never disagreeable, he was unlike quite a number of other Pekineses!
Pekineses are totally fearless and always rule the roost in a household of other dogs. One of my mother’s would go into in to the farm’s bullpen every day and challenge a rather confused bull to a duel!
All of you who have read my mother’s book, “The Prince and the Pekingese” will know that the real hero of the story was Twi-Twi who saved the day from the villain so that the hero and heroine could live happily ever after.
If you want a strong independent but not necessarily very obedient dog who will love you without question and is fiercely loyal, then you can do no better than a Pekingese.
My mother loved hers and they brought her great happiness.
Ian McCorquodale
CC.Ian McCorquodale